knee Replacement surgeon thane
knee Replacement surgeon thane

Revolutionize Your Mobility: Finding the Best Knee Replacement Surgeon in Thane!

Welcome to the forefront of knee replacement surgeons in Thane, where Dr. Priyank Patel and Dr. Bakul Arora bring unparalleled expertise and dedication to patient care. As leading surgeons in the field, they blend advanced techniques and cutting-edge technologies to provide personalized solutions for knee-related concerns. With a commitment to comprehensive care and a track record of successful outcomes, these specialists stand as pillars of excellence, ensuring a path to restored mobility and a pain-free life for their patients.

The most well-known knee replacement surgeons in Thane are Priyank Patel and Bakul Arora.

In the realm of knee replacement surgery in Thane, two distinguished names shine brightly: Dr. Priyank Patel and Dr. Bakul Arora. Renowned as leading knee replacement surgeons and knee replacement specialists in Thane, these specialists bring a wealth of experience and innovation to their practice.

Dr Priyank and Bakul Clinic Image

Dr. Bakul Arora, a consultant joint replacement and orthopedic surgeon, practices at the Arora Clinic. His expertise lies in minimally invasive techniques, offering patients a range of benefits. Dr. Arora employs the subvastus approach for knee replacement surgery and the direct anterior approach for hip replacement surgery. This groundbreaking technique ensures a nearly painless surgery with a rapid recovery period. Patients often experience the remarkable advantage of walking on the same day as the surgery, climbing stairs on the second day, and being discharged within three days. Dr. Arora’s stitchless surgery approach minimizes blood loss, eliminates the need for blood transfusion, and reduces the requirement for physiotherapy. His dedication is evident in his mission to comfort patients and alleviate the fear associated with knee and hip replacement surgeries.

On the other hand, Dr. Priyank Patel specializes in the surgical and non-surgical management of spine-related disorders, particularly spine tumors. As one of the youngest independent surgical consultants in India, Dr. Patel has garnered recognition for his expertise. His extensive international training includes complex surgical procedures like minimally invasive spinal surgery, computer-assisted spinal surgery, microsurgery, athletic spinal injuries, and motion-preserving procedures such as artificial disc replacement. While surgery is his forte, Dr. Patel advocates for a conservative approach whenever possible, emphasizing an active lifestyle with corrective exercise. His commitment extends beyond his role as a surgeon, as he actively contributes to philanthropic work through initiatives like Rural Spine Care Centers across India.

Together, Dr. Priyank Patel and Dr. Bakul Arora stand as pillars of excellence, not only for their surgical prowess but also for their dedication to patient well-being and advancement in the field of orthopedics. Their collective vision reflects a commitment to providing the best possible care and a positive impact on the lives of their patients in Thane and beyond.

What is knee replacement surgery?

Knee replacement surgery, also known as knee arthroplasty, is a medical procedure designed to alleviate chronic pain and improve function in a damaged or diseased knee joint. This surgical intervention involves-

  1. Damaged tissue removal: Removal of damaged cartilage and bone from the knee joint, addressing conditions like arthritis or joint deformities.
  2. Artificial Component Placement: Replacement of the removed portions with artificial components, typically made of durable materials such as metal and plastic,.
  3. Restoration of Joint Movement: The procedure aims to restore normal joint movement, allowing for improved flexibility and mobility in the knee.
  4. Pain Reduction: Alleviation of chronic pain associated with the damaged knee joint enhances the patient’s overall quality of life.
  5. Enhanced Functionality: Improvement in knee functionality enables individuals to engage in daily activities with greater ease and comfort.

Knee replacement surgery is often recommended for individuals with severe arthritis, joint deformities, or injuries that significantly impact their daily activities and quality of life. The procedure is commonly performed by a specialized medical professional known as a knee replacement surgeon in Thane. These surgeons, also recognized as knee specialists in Thane, aim to provide patients with a functional and pain-free knee joint, facilitating a return to an active and comfortable lifestyle.

Types of Knee Replacements

There are several types of knee replacements, each tailored to address specific conditions and individual patient needs. The main types include-

  1. Total Knee Replacement (TKR): It involves replacing the entire knee joint with artificial components, including the femoral and tibial components, along with a plastic spacer.
  2. Partial Knee Replacement (PKR): Targets only the damaged portion of the knee joint, preserving the healthy areas. This is suitable for patients with localized arthritis or specific joint damage.
  3. Minimally Invasive Knee Replacement: Utilizes smaller incisions compared to traditional surgery, leading to potentially quicker recovery times and reduced scarring.
  4. Revision Knee Replacement: Performed when a previous knee replacement requires adjustment or replacement due to wear and tear, infection, or other complications.
  5. Bilateral Knee Replacement: It involves the replacement of both knees during a single surgical procedure. This approach is considered for patients with bilateral knee issues.
  6. Custom Knee Replacement: Tailored to the patient’s unique anatomy using advanced imaging technology. Custom implants aim to provide a more precise fit.
  7. Gender-Specific Knee Replacement: Customized to the anatomical differences between men and women, addressing potential variations in knee joint structure and alignment.
  8. High-Flex Knee Replacement: Designed to allow for increased flexion, enabling patients to achieve a greater range of motion, it is particularly useful for activities like kneeling or squatting.

The choice of knee replacement type depends on factors such as the extent of joint damage, overall health, and the specific goals of the patient. Orthopedic surgeons, including knee replacement surgeons in Thane and knee operation specialists in Thane, work closely with individuals to determine the most suitable option for their unique circumstances.

Qualities of a Top-notch Knee Replacement Surgeon

A top-notch knee replacement surgeon possesses a combination of skills, expertise, and qualities that contribute to successful patient outcomes and overall excellence in their field. Some key qualities include:

  1. Expertise and specialization: Extensive experience and specialized training in knee replacement surgery, staying updated on the latest advancements in the field.
  2. Advanced Surgical Techniques: Proficiency in employing advanced and minimally invasive surgical techniques, ensuring precise and effective interventions.
  3. Diagnostic Skills: A keen ability to accurately diagnose knee conditions, allowing for tailored treatment plans that address each patient’s unique needs.
  4. Comprehensive Patient Evaluation: Thoroughly assesses patients’ overall health, lifestyle, and medical history to determine the most suitable approach for knee replacement surgery in Thane.
  5. Effective Communication: Clear and open communication with patients, explaining procedures, risks, and expected outcomes to ensure informed decision-making.
  6. Empathy and compassion: Demonstrates empathy towards patients’ concerns and shows genuine compassion, understanding the impact of knee issues on their quality of life.
  7. Patient-Centered Approach: Prioritizes patient well-being, tailoring treatment plans to align with individual goals, preferences, and lifestyles.
  8. Commitment to Excellence: A commitment to delivering the highest standard of care, with a focus on achieving optimal results and patient satisfaction.
  9. Collaborative Teamwork: Works seamlessly with a multidisciplinary healthcare team, including physiotherapists and nurses, to ensure comprehensive patient care.
  10. Continuous Learning: Maintains a dedication to ongoing learning, participating in conferences and workshops, and staying informed about emerging trends in knee replacement surgery in Thane.
  11. Problem-Solving Skills: Capable of addressing and resolving potential complications during surgery, adapting to unforeseen challenges with a calm and effective approach.
  12. Postoperative Care: Ensures thorough postoperative care, including follow-up appointments, rehabilitation plans, and ongoing support for patients’ recovery.

Dr. Priyank Patel and Dr. Bakul Arora, the esteemed knee replacement surgeons in Thane, embody all these qualities. With their extensive expertise, commitment to patient-centric care, and continuous pursuit of excellence, they provide not only successful surgeries but also a reassuring experience for their patients throughout the entire treatment journey.

When is knee replacement surgery necessary?

Knee replacement surgery becomes necessary when individuals experience severe pain, reduced mobility, and a decline in overall quality of life due to conditions affecting the knee joint. Common reasons for considering knee replacement surgery include:

  1. Osteoarthritis is the degeneration of joint cartilage over time, leading to pain, stiffness, and reduced joint function.
  2. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder causing inflammation in the joints, often leading to joint damage.
  3. Post-Traumatic Arthritis: joint damage resulting from a severe knee injury or fracture, leading to ongoing pain and difficulty in movement.
  4. Other Forms of Arthritis: Conditions such as psoriatic arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis can also necessitate knee replacement surgery.
  5. Knee Deformities: irregularities in the knee joint structure, whether congenital or acquired, that significantly affect normal function.
  6. Failure of Non-Surgical Treatments: When conservative treatments like medications, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications no longer provide sufficient relief,.
  7. Chronic Knee Pain: persistent and severe knee pain that interferes with daily activities, sleep, and overall quality of life.
  8. Limited Mobility: Difficulty in performing routine activities, such as walking, climbing stairs, or getting up from a seated position.
  9. Swelling and Inflammation: persistent swelling and inflammation of the knee joint that does not respond adequately to non-surgical interventions.


The decision to undergo knee replacement surgery is typically a collaborative one between the patient and their healthcare team. Orthopedic surgeons, including knee replacement surgeons in Thane and knee replacement specialists in Thane, assess the severity of the condition, considering factors like age, overall health, and the impact of knee issues on daily life. The goal of knee replacement surgery is to relieve pain, restore function, and improve the patient’s overall quality of life.

Personalized Care and Treatment Plans

Personalized care and treatment plans are fundamental elements in providing comprehensive and effective healthcare. This approach tailors medical interventions to the unique needs, preferences, and circumstances of each individual patient. Here are key aspects of personalized care and treatment plans:

  1. Individualized Assessments: Conducting thorough assessments of a patient’s medical history, lifestyle, and specific health concerns to gain a comprehensive understanding of their unique health profile.
  2. Customized Treatment Strategies: Designing treatment strategies that consider the specific characteristics of the patient, ensuring interventions align with their medical needs, preferences, and goals.
  3. Informed Decision-Making: Empowering patients with information about available treatment options, potential risks, and expected outcomes allows them to actively participate in decision-making processes.
  4. Tailored Medication Plans: Prescribing medications based on the patient’s individual response, potential side effects, and any existing medical conditions or allergies.
  5. Precision Medicine: Incorporating advanced diagnostic tools, genetic information, and biomarker analysis to create targeted and precise treatment plans that account for individual variations in disease presentation.
  6. Emphasis on Patient Preferences: Recognizing and incorporating the patient’s preferences, lifestyle, and cultural considerations into the overall care plan, promoting a more patient-centric approach.
  7. Holistic Wellness Integration: Considering not only the specific ailment but also the overall well-being of the individual, addressing physical, mental, and emotional aspects of health.
  8. Continuous Monitoring and Adjustment: Regularly monitoring the patient’s progress, adjusting treatment plans as needed, and maintaining open communication to address any changes in health status or concerns.
  9. Collaborative Healthcare Team: Fostering collaboration among healthcare professionals ensures a multidisciplinary approach to patient care that integrates the expertise of various specialists, including knee replacement surgeons in Thane and knee specialists in Thane.
  10. Patient Education and Engagement: Providing education about the patient’s condition, treatment options, and preventive measures, and encouraging active participation in their own health management.
  11. Cultivating Trusting Relationships: Building strong, trusting relationships between healthcare providers and patients, creating a supportive environment for open communication and shared decision-making.

Personalized care and treatment plans reflect a commitment to addressing the uniqueness of each patient, fostering better health outcomes, and enhancing overall patient satisfaction. This approach acknowledges the diverse needs of individuals and strives to create a healthcare experience that is tailored, supportive, and ultimately more effective.

Common Concerns and Misconceptions

Addressing common concerns and misconceptions in healthcare is crucial for fostering informed decision-making and promoting a better understanding of medical conditions and treatments. Here are some prevalent concerns and misconceptions:

Pain Management in Surgery

  • Concern: Fear of excessive pain during and after surgery.
  • Clarification: Advances in anesthesia and pain management techniques aim to minimize discomfort, and healthcare providers, including knee replacement surgeons in Thane and knee operation specialists in Thane, work closely with patients to ensure pain is effectively managed.

Recovery Time After Procedures

  • Concern: Apprehension about extended recovery periods.
  • Clarification: Recovery times vary, but medical advancements and personalized rehabilitation plans often contribute to quicker and more efficient recovery following many procedures.

Side Effects of Medications

  • Concern: Worries about the potential side effects of prescribed medications.
  • Clarification: Healthcare professionals, including Knee Operation Specialists in Thane, discuss potential side effects with patients and work to find medications with the fewest side effects while effectively managing the condition.

Effectiveness of Non-Surgical Treatments

  • Concern: doubts about the efficacy of non-surgical treatments.
  • Clarification: Non-surgical options, such as physical therapy and medications, can be highly effective for many conditions and are often explored before considering surgery.

Cost of Healthcare

  • Concern: Financial worries related to healthcare expenses.
  • Clarification: Understanding insurance coverage, discussing payment plans, and exploring available financial assistance can help alleviate concerns about the cost of medical care.

Risks of Surgical Procedures

  • Concern: fear of potential complications or adverse effects.
  • Clarification: Surgeons, including knee replacement surgeons in Thane, thoroughly discuss potential risks with patients, emphasizing that the benefits of surgery often outweigh the risks, particularly in cases where it is deemed necessary.

Postoperative Pain and Rehabilitation

  • Concern: apprehension about the pain and difficulty associated with postoperative rehabilitation.
  • Clarification: Rehabilitation plans are personalized, and healthcare providers work closely with patients, including Knee Operation Specialists in Thane, to manage pain while gradually restoring function.

Duration of Treatment Plans

  • Concern: uncertainty about the length of treatment plans.
  • Clarification: Treatment plans are tailored to individual needs, and healthcare providers communicate clearly about the expected duration and milestones of the treatment process.

Trust in Healthcare Providers

  • Concern: Lack of trust in healthcare providers’ decisions.
  • Clarification: Building open communication and trust with healthcare providers is essential; patients are encouraged to ask questions and seek second opinions to ensure they are comfortable with their treatment plans.

Addressing these concerns and misconceptions promotes a more transparent and collaborative healthcare environment, empowering patients to actively engage in their health journey and make well-informed decisions about their care.

Rehabilitation and recovery

Rehabilitation and recovery

Rehabilitation and recovery play integral roles in the healing process after medical interventions, surgeries, or injuries. These components are designed to restore functionality, alleviate pain, and enhance overall well-being. Key aspects of rehabilitation and recovery include:

  1. Customized Rehabilitation Plans: Healthcare professionals create personalized rehabilitation plans tailored to the specific needs and conditions of each individual, considering factors such as age, health status, and the nature of the intervention.
  2. Early Mobilization: Emphasis on initiating physical activity and mobilization as early as possible, promoting joint flexibility and muscle strength, and preventing complications associated with immobility.
  3. Physical Therapy: Incorporation of physical therapy exercises and activities to improve range of motion, strengthen muscles, and enhance overall joint function. This may include targeted exercises led by physical therapists.
  4. Pain Management Strategies: Implementation of pain management techniques to ensure patients are comfortable during the rehabilitation process. This may involve medications, therapeutic modalities, and other non-pharmacological interventions.
  5. Gradual Progression: Rehabilitation plans are structured with a gradual progression of intensity and complexity, allowing individuals to build strength and endurance over time while minimizing the risk of re-injury.
  6. Education and Guidance: Provision of comprehensive education on the recovery process, including expectations, potential challenges, and strategies for self-care. Patients are guided on proper techniques for activities of daily living.
  7. Nutritional Support: Integration of nutritional guidance to support the body’s healing process, ensuring that patients receive the necessary nutrients for optimal recovery.
  8. Psychological Support: Acknowledgement of the psychological impact of recovery, with support available to address anxiety, depression, or other emotional challenges that may arise during the rehabilitation phase.
  9. Collaboration Among Healthcare Professionals: A multidisciplinary approach involving collaboration between various healthcare professionals, such as physical therapists, occupational therapists, and physicians, to provide holistic care.
  10. Home Exercises and Self-Care: Provision of home exercises and self-care routines to empower individuals to continue their rehabilitation outside of clinical settings, fostering independence and continuity of progress.
  11. Follow-Up and Monitoring: Regular follow-up appointments are needed to monitor progress, adjust rehabilitation plans as needed, and address any concerns or challenges that may arise during the recovery period.
  12. Patient Engagement: Encouragement of active patient engagement throughout the rehabilitation process promotes a sense of ownership and motivation to achieve optimal recovery outcomes.

Rehabilitation and recovery are dynamic processes that require commitment from both healthcare providers and patients. A well-structured and individualized approach ensures that individuals regain function, mobility, and a high quality of life following medical interventions or injuries.

Advantages of Choosing a Knee Replacement Surgeon in Thane:

  1. Advanced Technology: Thane’s Knee Replacement Surgeons leverage cutting-edge medical technology for diagnostics, surgical procedures, and postoperative care. This ensures precision, efficiency, and enhanced patient outcomes.
  2. Advanced Infrastructure: Thane boasts state-of-the-art medical facilities and infrastructure, providing a conducive environment for knee replacement surgeries. Modern operating theaters, recovery units, and patient care facilities contribute to a seamless healthcare experience.
  3. Top Experienced Doctors: Thane is home to highly experienced and skilled knee replacement surgeons who have a proven track record of successful surgeries. Their expertise, coupled with continuous professional development, ensures patients receive the best possible care.
  4. Easily Available Medical Resources: Thane offers convenient access to a comprehensive range of medical resources, including diagnostic facilities, rehabilitation services, and support staff. This accessibility streamlines the entire healthcare process, from initial consultations to postoperative care.

Choosing a knee replacement surgeon in Thane provides patients with the assurance of state-of-the-art technology, exceptional infrastructure, experienced medical professionals, and readily available medical resources, ultimately enhancing the overall quality and effectiveness of knee replacement procedures.

In conclusion, Dr. Priyank Patel and Dr. Bakul Arora, renowned knee replacement surgeons in Thane, epitomize excellence in orthopedic care. Their commitment to advanced techniques, personalized patient solutions, and compassionate care distinguishes them in the field. Thane, with its cutting-edge technology and top-notch infrastructure, offers an ideal backdrop for these specialists. The collaborative efforts of Dr. Patel and Dr. Arora ensure not only successful surgeries but also a profound positive impact on patients’ lives. The journey to restored mobility and a pain-free life finds its epitome in the expertise and dedication of these distinguished knee replacement surgeons in Thane.

Meet our Surgeons

Our Clinics

Rehabilitation Center

Dedicated Advance Orthopedic Clinic in Thane - All For Bones

Our purpose is reinvigorating the day-to-day life of passionate people like you.

At The Orthopedic Clinic, we pride ourselves on providing the best care possible to our patients. We believe in treating the individual patient, not just their injury. Since our beginning in the Daytona Beach community in 1961, our goal has been to help our patients live their life in full motion through trusted, respectful, and cutting-edge orthopedic care. We have specialist Orthopedic Surgeon in Mumbai.

Our Team

Dr. Bakul Arora

Orthopedic – Joint Replacement Surgeon

Dr. Priyank Patel

Orthopedic– Spine Surgeon

Treatments We Provide For

About Surgeon

Dr. Bakul Arora is a Consultant Joint Replacement & Orthopaedic Surgeon is one of the leading Knee Replacement Surgeon in Thane and Mumbai with over 4000+ successfully surgeries. Dr. Bakul Arora specialises in Mini-invasive techniques which offer multiple benefits to patients. He does the surgery using Subvastus approach for Knee Replacement surgery and Direct Anterior Approach for Hip replacement Surgery . This new techniques has many advantages for patients like its pain-less , stich-less surgery, patients walks on the same day after surgery, no blood loss, faster recovery etc.

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    Knee replacement is required for advanced arthritis of the knee joint, producing painful limitation of movements and restriction in activities of daily living. Knee replacement as a solution should be offered when all non–surgical methods of treatment failed and painkiller medicines and injections also failed to reduce the Knee and hip pains.

    Knee replacement can be total or unicondylar, depending on the number of compartments involved. Among the total knee replacement, there are two popular designs- Cruciate Retaining, and Posterior Stabilized. The decision for the design is best taken by the operating orthopedic surgeon based on the integrity of ligaments. Patella resurfacing as a routine is a debatable subject.

    Yes, most knee replacement surgeries are minimally invasive, with numerous benefits to the patient, including smaller incisions, less tissue trauma, bleeding and post–operative pain, shorter hospital stays, faster recovery, and earlier return to work and activities — in weeks rather than months. Advantages of Minimally Invasive Knee Replacement Surgery. Patients Start walking in few hours of surgery. Patients start climbing the staircase from second day of his surgery. Patients Discharge with in 3 Days from the Hospital after surgery. No blood loss during the surgery, no blood Transfusion required. Less Physiotherapy.( No Physiotherapist required for home) Less Antibiotic. Stitchless Surgery. Recovery time is just two – three week.

    Bilateral knee replacement in the same sitting, can be performed if both the knee joints are damaged to the same extent, however, the medical condition of the patient, and bone quality must be kept in consideration.

    Surgery through Minimally Invasive technique patients start walking on the same day and staircase climbing starts from the second day of surgery. Patients can resume his work after 3 – 4 week.

    The most significant risks include Infection, Deep vein thrombosis,and Aseptic loosening of implants. The risks correlate with the co-morbid medical condition, and must be discussed with the patient before surgery.

    Patients normally require hospitalization for 3-4 days in single knee replacement, and up to 5-6 days in both knee replacement surgery

    A single knee replacement takes approximately 90 min- 2 hours. Both knee replacement surgery takes approx 2-3 hours.

    Years ago, knee replacement surgery was reserved for elderly patients due to a high complication rate and lack of implant durability. Modern techniques have allowed orthopaedic surgeons to base surgical decisions on a patient’s pain and disability, and not necessarily chronological age. Most patients who undergo knee replacement are between the ages of 50 and 80, but surgeons evaluate patients individually and primarily on their physiologic age and demands.

    Patients can resume his/her light work after discharge from the hospital, no need for rest.

    Patients are given epidural anesthesia for surgery, and post op pain relief. They are expected to follow instruction from physiotherapist regarding muscle training.



    ⇒ Wockhardt Hospital Mumbai Central, Mira road & Vashi

    ⇒ Apollo Spectra Hospital, Tardeo and Chembur

    ⇒ Cloud 9 Hospital, Malad

    ⇒ Criticare Hospital, Andheri


    ⇒ Arora Clinic, Hiranandani Meadows

    ⇒ Bethany Hospital, Vasant Vihar

    ⇒ Currae Hospital, Kapurbawdi

    Horizon Hospital, Ghodbunder

    ⇒ Infinity Hospital, Majiwada

    ⇒ Lakecity Hospital, Khopat

    ⇒ Oscar Hospital, Majiwada

    ⇒ Drone Hospital, Bhiwandi

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